A Not-So-Black Friday

“God has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into thekingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” – Colossians 1:13-14
Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving – a day typically referred to as Black Friday where stores hold sales to promote early Christmas shopping. This year, it seems many retailers started Black Friday earlier this month due to restrictions on shopping in person. While Black Friday is often associated with shopping, what if we thought of it differently this year?
In the upcoming days and weeks, the church calendar will transition into theseason of Advent. This is a season of preparation and anticipation for thecoming of Christ. During Advent, we typically look ahead to Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Christ. The apostle John describes the birth of Christ: “The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into theworld,” (John 1:9).
As we reflect on the last year, it can sometimes feel like we have experienced alot of darkness. But Jesus came to rescue us from our darkness – he is the light of the world which enlightens everyone. As followers of Christ, we carry this light with us and shine this light into the dark places. The light breaks up thedarkness.
Over the next five weeks, we will be concluding our year-long Exploration series through the Bible. At the same time, I will be leading a three-week study series on Wednesday nights based on Amy Jill-Levine’s book, The Light of theWorld (this study begins on December 2; additional details are listed below). As we enter this time of preparation and anticipation, let us ask ourselves, how are we carrying the light of Christ into the world? How will we be a community of faith that is one in ministry to all the world?
Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to being with you in worship this Sunday!
Grace and peace,
P.S. Thank you to all of you who shared your estimated giving for 2021 with us this past week. As of Wednesday this week, we have received about 26 responded for an estimated giving of about $146,000. It is exciting to see your support as we launch into a year of being “One in Ministry to All the World.” If you have not shared your estimate of giving with us, you can drop off an Estimate of Giving card at the church office or fill out the online Estimate of Giving form online. Discover more at roystonfirstumc.org/stewardship.